30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

HC Staff - July 17, 2023

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

10. Walking can improve your balance and coordination

If you watch a baby learning to walk, you’ll see the intense concentration on their faces. Their full focus is on balancing on their feet and being able to put one foot in front of the other. Walking requires a combination of balance and coordination. As time passes, walking becomes second nature and not something you have to concentrate on.

However, as with most things, practice makes perfect. The more often you do something, the more proficient you are at it. You may have mastered the art of walking a long time ago. However, if you don’t do it frequently, you can start to experience reduced balance and coordination. Losing your sense of balance and coordination makes you clumsy and prone to falling. People who take up walking must put their balance and coordination skills to the test which keeps them sharp.
