30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

HC Staff - July 17, 2023

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

11. Walking can help if you’re feeling down or depressed

Depression can leave you feeling lethargic and overwhelmed by feelings of sadness. A depressed person will struggle to start with an exercise program because it’s a challenge to get up and get going. However, as hard as it may be, walking can be one of the best things a depressed person can do.

Exercise like walking releases chemicals like serotonin and dopamine which are feel-good chemicals. They induce a feeling of well-being. Often, depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Serotonin levels can bring on a bout of depression. Stimulating the brain to release these chemicals through an exercise like walking can help a depressed person get a handle on how they’re feeling. Using walking as a way of dealing with a bout of depression doesn’t mean you don’t need medication. However, it can help make your treatment regimen more effective.
