30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

HC Staff - July 17, 2023

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

13. Walking can stimulate your brain and make you more creative

A lot of situations in life require you to come up with creative solutions. Stimulating your creativity does not come easily to everyone. However, if you need to get your creative juices flowing, consider going for a walk. While walking, you can clear your mind of all the cobwebs and let your creative streak come to the fore.

Doing something physical can take your mind off the issue at hand. This is the exact moment that the penny will drop and the solution you need will come to mind. Getting outdoors and communing with nature while taking a walk can give you many creative ideas. A lot of authors swear by walking as a way to get creative inspiration for their novels. On a physical level, walking probably stimulates your creativity because it allows for an increased flow of oxygen to the brain.
