30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

HC Staff - July 17, 2023

30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

5. Walking can help to relieve high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the result of the strain placed on the body’s arteries and veins as the heart pumps blood through them. If the pressure on the veins and arteries is too great, the walls of these blood vessels might be weakened. Weakened blood vessels can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

A stronger heart can pump the blood needed through the body with less effort. This means that the pressure on the arteries and veins gets reduced. As little as 10 minutes of walking a day can make a significant change to your blood pressure. The recommended 30 minutes can make the impact more meaningful. A person taking blood pressure medication might find themselves needing less or no medication if they make a habit of walking. No changes to medication should be contemplated without consulting your doctor.
