38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow

38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow

Trista - February 22, 2019

38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow
A sketch of Amish founder Jakob Ammann. Wikipedia.

36. Baptism is Central to Anabaptists

The Anabaptist denomination began about the same time as the Protestant Reformation, a period of intense conflict between the Catholic church and those who opposed its teachings and corrupt practices. The Anabaptists believed that true baptism must be preceded by faith in Jesus Christ, something that an infant cannot profess. Therefore, the Anabaptists did not baptize infants. “Anabaptist” literally means “baptize again,” as many were baptized for a second time, this time as believing adults rather than infants.
