38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow

38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow

Trista - February 22, 2019

38 Beliefs And Ways Of Life The Amish Strictly Follow
An Amish carriage store with an Amish family purchasing some goods. USA Today.

31. Pacifism and Nonviolence are Essential to the Amish Way of Life

A hallmark of the Anabaptist faith is traditionally nonviolence, although small sects of radical Anabaptists have historically embraced violence as a means to defend their faith. As Anabaptists, the Amish adamantly oppose any form of violence, to the extent that they will defy the government. They are conscientious objectors to military service, and while they are required to register for selective service, would likely refuse a military draft as many have in the past. When the Indian Removal Act was initiated, many Amish families took Native Americans into their homes in defiance of the government.
