40 Enlightening Facts About Shiva, the Hindu God

40 Enlightening Facts About Shiva, the Hindu God

Trista - March 17, 2019
40 Enlightening Facts About Shiva, the Hindu God
A seal discovered during excavation of the Indus Valley archaeological site in the Indus Valley has drawn attention as a possible representation of a “yogi” or “proto-Shiva” figure. Indus Valley Civilization sealmaker from Mohenjodaro archaeological site/ Columbia/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

32. Depictions of Shiva Date Back to At Least 10,000 BCE

Scholars have found early paintings show figures that seem to have some resemblance to Shiva that dates back more than 12,000 years. The statues may be seen as dancing, holding a trident, or sitting in a lotus position, all of which are characteristic of Shiva. However, there are disputes as to the actual nature of the paintings. They may provide additional evidence regarding the origin of Shiva, such as local deities that he absorbed, as Hindus currently see and worship him.
