40 Odd Facts About the Inbred King Charles II of Spain

40 Odd Facts About the Inbred King Charles II of Spain

Trista - February 6, 2019

40 Odd Facts About the Inbred King Charles II of Spain
Infant mortality among with Habsburgs was exceptionally high. Ebenezer Learning Center/ Can Stock Photo Inc. / andreykuzmin.

25. Charles Was Not the Only Habsburg With Poor Health

Hollywood has made quite a few movies about the Habsburgs, in which they are portrayed as having lives of ease and absolute comfort (think Marie Antoinette, who was herself a Habsburg). In real life, though, their poor health due to inbreeding was some of the worst in the world. Case in point: while Spanish peasants had an infant mortality rate of about 20%, the infant mortality rate of the Habsburg royals was 30%.
