40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended

40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended

Khalid Elhassan - January 3, 2019

40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended
A Japanese ship sinking under air attack. Pinterest

24. The Japanese Sailor Who Hid in the Jungle

Seaman Noboru Kinoshita was in a Japanese ship that was attacked and sunk off the Philippines in 1944 by American planes. He was one of the few survivors who managed to swim to safety, reaching the shores of Samar Island after hours in the water. There, he joined Japanese forces and accompanied them to Luzon, where they fought the US military. When his unit was dispersed, Kinoshita struck off into the jungles of Luzon, successfully evading enemy forces. There, isolated from the outside world, he eked a precarious existence, surviving on lizards, frogs, fruits, monkeys, and any other edibles he could find.
