40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended

40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended

Khalid Elhassan - January 3, 2019

40 Facts About the Japanese Who Refused to Surrender After WWII Had Ended
Shoichi Yokoi at a police station after his capture. World War II Multimedia Database

20. Yokoi’s Capture

In January of 1972, two local men came across Yokoi in the jungle. They assumed he was a fellow local and were about to move on, when a paranoid Yokoi, assuming they were about to attack him, decided to attack them first. They beat him up and subdued him, then carried him out of the jungle and back to civilization, where his astonishing story finally came out. Asked how he had managed to hide for so long in such a small island, only two miles from a major American airbase, Yokoi replied “I was really good at hide and seek“.
