40 Interesting Facts About Bernie Sanders

40 Interesting Facts About Bernie Sanders

Trista - February 24, 2019

40 Interesting Facts About Bernie Sanders
Vermont Representative Bernie Sanders in 1991. US Government Printing Office – Congressional Pictorial Directory, 104th US Congress, p. 137 / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain.

28. Bernie Received A Seat In Congress In 1990 As An Independent Candidate

In 1990, Bernie received a seat in Congress for the Independent political party. This made Bernie the first Independent candidate to earn a seat in Congress since 1950 when Frazier Reams won a position as an Independent candidate for Congress. He sat in the House of Representatives from 1990 until 2007 when he won a seat in the Senate. Bernie often credits the people of Vermont for sending him to Congress as an Independent political candidate.
