40 of the Most Influential People of All Time

40 of the Most Influential People of All Time

Trista - January 29, 2019

40 of the Most Influential People of All Time
Christus Pantocrator – Artistic representation of Jesus Christ God, the second divine Person of the Most Holy Trinity (Cathedral of Cefalù, c. 1130.). Andreas Wahra/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

1. Jesus Christ

Jesus was not the founder of the religion that bears his name; he was actually a Jewish carpenter he traveled as an itinerant preacher and worked miracles. After his death and resurrection, his followers initially remained part of the Jewish religion until they were completely expelled from the synagogues. Today, two billion Christians worldwide profess to be followers of Jesus, and he is also a prominent figure in Islam. In fact, many Muslims also claim to be followers of Jesus.


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Here Are Our Sources:

“Confucius.” Wikipedia.

“The Most Influential People of All Time.” Ranker.

“Nikola Tesla.” Wikipedia.
