40 Outlandish Oscar Snubs Throughout the Decades

40 Outlandish Oscar Snubs Throughout the Decades

Trista - May 13, 2019

40 Outlandish Oscar Snubs Throughout the Decades
A movie poster for GoodFellas. Wikimedia.

13. GoodFellas

If The Godfather is the father of gangster films, GoodFellas is its powerful, fast-talking uncle. Martin Scorcese’s 1990 crime drama follows the life of a part-Irish man in an Italian crime family, portrayed expertly by Ray Liotta. Famed for its “do I amuse you” scene with the volatile Joe Pesci, the entire film is superbly acted and directed. The Best Picture Award for 1990 sadly went to Dances With Wolves, which has aged poorly and feels extremely turgid today.
