25. Going To Starbucks
There is a huge stereotype that millennials go to Starbucks far too often. Some people get offended by this assumption, but most stereotypes have at least a grain of truth to them. According to statistics, 37.8 million Americans have visited Starbucks at least once in the last 30 days. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying a pumpkin spice latte or a caramel Frappuccino once in a while, going to Starbucks regularly and paying $5 for a cup of coffee. However, you can brew for 50 cents will bust your budget before realizing that you spent $150 in one month. On plain, black coffee.
That is not entirely the fault of the consumer. Starbucks also has a location strategy where it will only build a store in a neighborhood full of people that make at least $50,000 to $70,000 per year. This income bracket is the sweet spot because it is full of people who want to prove that they can afford a lavish lifestyle, even though they need to be saving money for emergencies. They seem to stay away from more poverty-stricken towns, even if they do get a lot of foot traffic. Most poor people do not drink Starbucks simply because they can’t afford it.