20. Wearing Knockoff Clothes
We already mentioned how middle-class people love to wear designer brands to show off to their friends. Sometimes, they might even resort to buying fake versions of these items. To them, it doesn’t matter if the quality of the purse or accessory is terrible. They just want to appear to be rich enough to buy Gucci or Louis Vuitton. There’s a crazy statistic that 90% of all Louis Vuitton items you see in the United States are fake. Whether or not this is true, knock-off versions of name brands are almost always very poor quality, and the only thing remotely attractive about them is that they carry a brand label. But spotting knockoffs that someone is wearing can be very easy.
Wealthy people would never buy a fake designer clothing item because they are usually of very poor quality. They can tell almost immediately if something is not real because they will know the available styles. Anyone who loves fashion can tell if something looks off. The person who is wearing a fake item is immediately classified as “middle class.” Instead, truly wealthy people invest in high-quality clothes that they can afford and that they can wear over and over again, not to impress people but only so that they can look and feel their best every day.