40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

HC Staff - July 12, 2023

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
How many people do you follow on Facebook, Instagram, and other social medial platforms? Credit: Shutterstock

38. Following Social Media Influencers

Many people in the middle class are always looking for approval and validation, so they try to keep up with pop culture so that they can talk fluently with other people about what is happening in celebrities’ worlds. After all, if you know so much about celebrities and their lifestyles, then surely you must be in league with them. The same goes for social media influencers, people with massive followings on online platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. They are just ordinary people who have created a brand around themselves that provides a lot of popularity.

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
From doing makeup to building tables, there are tons of people you can follow. Credit: Shutterstock

Nevertheless, many people tend to believe that associating themselves with those who have achieved this kind of popularity will add to their own likeability and status. Those in the middle class tend to spend a lot of time following celebrities and influencers, much more time than those who are poor and simply do not have the luxury to whittle away hours on social media. Those who are wealthy do not waste their time following celebrities and influencers because they are too busy building up their own lives and their own brands. If you want to become like those influencers that you are following, then stop following them and start doing something meaningful with your time.
