40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

HC Staff - July 12, 2023

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
Dyson products are great and are often found in middle-class homes. Credit: Shutterstock

36. Owning Dyson Products

There’s nothing wrong with Dyson products as they are of excellent quality. The issue is that many people who earn a middle-class income spend their money on these high-end appliances that they really can’t afford, simply because they think that Dyson products are impressive for other people to see. How cool is it for your neighbors or friends to visit and see you are cooling your living room with a fan that doesn’t have any blades and also doesn’t make noise? Or to have an air purifier that costs hundreds of dollars and traps not only odors but also tiny particles including germs?

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
Do you own any of these Dyson products? Credit: Shutterstock

The problem is that Dyson products are often nothing more than status symbols, and buying them can cause people to end up in debt because they had to use credit. The best option is to stick with generic brands that may not convey wealth and status but can still keep your home clean and healthy. Saving for high-end luxury products, such as Dyson appliances, before you buy them will help you make sure that you live within your means instead of overspending to impress friends. You can also look to buy them used.
