40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class

HC Staff - July 12, 2023

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
Some people show too much privilege when dining out, instead of being respectful. Credit: Shutterstock

32. Acting Rude Towards Waitstaff

For some reason, some people think that being rude to people who work blue-collar service jobs somehow elevates them and makes them look better. They complain to their waiters and waitresses at restaurants and sometimes even complain with the restaurant manager, putting the waitstaff’s job in jeopardy, when there was nothing wrong with the service. There is no excuse for being rude to a waiter or waitress. And if you think that not leaving a tip is an excellent way to prove your point, you’re wrong. Waitstaff often make about two dollars an hour and earn most of their wages from the tips on every table that they attend to.

40 Signs That Reveal Someone Is Middle Class
Be nice when you go out to eat, and tip your server. Credit: Shutterstock

If the service was terrible, don’t go to that restaurant again. But being rude to others in society is not a sign of status. It doesn’t make you a better person, and it doesn’t make other people think that you are likable and have money to burn, it makes you a jerk. Poor people often work in these service jobs and understand the psychological harm caused by rude people, so they are especially kind to those who wait on their tables. And truly wealthy people know that you can never get ahead in life by stepping on other people, especially people who make less than minimum wage.
