40 Violent Realities in the Making of the British Empire

40 Violent Realities in the Making of the British Empire

Larry Holzwarth - March 25, 2019

40 Violent Realities in the Making of the British Empire
The British dominions in Upper and Lower Canada were troubled with insurrection and natives which chafed at British rule. Wikimedia

18. Armed rebellions in British Canada demonstrated resentment at local governments put into place by the British Empire.

Resentment against the ineffective British government installed in Canada led to armed rebellions in North America during 1837 and 1838. Canada was divided into the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with separate governments and constitutions. Ineffective governance and poor crop yields led to armed rebellions, with some support from American sympathizers. The rebellions were directed not so much at Great Britain itself, but toward the local representatives of government and the corruption which was the result of the inefficient system adopted. Following the 1840 Act of Union, which merged Upper and Lower Canada as the Province of Canada, French Canadians continued to demonstrate resentment against Great Britain.
