50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union

50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union

Jacob Miller - September 13, 2017

Communist propaganda in the Soviet Union was used to indoctrinate citizens with the Marxist-Leninist ideology in order to promote the Communist Party. In societies where censorship was pervasive, propaganda was a ubiquitous method of controlling people’s thoughts.

The main Soviet censorship body, the General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Glavlit), was established in 1922 to “ensure that the correct ideological spin was put on every published item.”

During the Stalin Era, deviation from the dictates of official propaganda was punished by execution or deportation to Gulag labor camps. After Stalin, such hash disciplinarian methods were replaced by punitive psychiatry, prison, denial of work placement, and loss of citizenship. It was said that “a man can only speak freely to his wife at night, with the blankets pulled over his head.”

Common themes of Soviet propaganda included the New Man who thought hard work and discipline overcome Man’s base instincts, making the common man a hero. The creation of a class enemy, vilifying the Bourgeoisie, allowed for contentment in a noble poverty. Education, a New Society, Communist globalism, Anti-Americanism, anti-religion, intellectualism, and industrial production were all ideals instilled in the Communist comrades.

50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Capitalists from Worldwide, UNITE!”, despite the Soviet motto “Workers of All Countries, Unite!” englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Don’t Misbehave!” englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Humanitarian Help to Starving Ones in American Way”. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Same years but different weathers”, the red bar on the thermometer is “Soviet Industry rate”, the black one is “American Industry rate”, the small text tells us that there was an economic crisis in USA. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“The Myth and The Reality.” englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Victory of Vietnam is a Victory of Solidarity” englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“What a Dangerous Madness,” This poster shows the Russians blame America for the Cold War Nuclear Arms Race. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
Uncle Sam in the ring of nuclear bomb switches and from the loudspeaker, “Soviet Union offers to stop nuclear weapon tests”. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“If you do a pointless chat, you are helping a spying rat” Koretsky, 1954. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
The American climbing to the top of NATO with weapons and money. The ladder has “NATO” sign. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
Uncle Sam on the Black Sea is looking thru spyglass on USSR with a sign “Provocation” on it, standing on US ships. Uncle Sam was widely used to represent the USA. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
This is how USA and allies milk blood and oil from the Middle East. The landmass the Middle East, and written, “Here, again, blood and oil are being poured”. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
Uncle Sam walking from the Capitol on weapons. There is written “A Road To Peace” on the road. Peace through weapons threats. englishrussia
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“A Mighty Sports Power”, B Reshetnikov, 1962 This poster demonstrates the Soviet Union’s athletic dominance over the USA during a time when the Olympic games were marked by great tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Let’s conquer the virgin blue!” V. Gorlenko, 1964. This was part of an effort to change farming tactics to better feed the Soviet people. The strategies included using experimental science to cultivate better soil and, as seen here, breeding more ducks to get cheap meat. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Smoke Cigarettes,” Rosanov, S. Sakharov, 1950. The most notable thing about this poster is that it encourages people to smoke cigarettes, but isn’t promoting a particular brand. This is because all of the factories were being controlled by the Communist Party, so it didn’t matter where people were buying their goods, they just needed to buy more of them. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“To Fly Higher Than All, Farther Than All, Faster Than All,” D. Pjatkin, 1954. The Soviets weren’t going to stop building weapons just because the war was over. This poster, published one year after Stalin’s death, aimed to assure the Union’s citizens and enemies that it was still a force to contend with. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
People and the Party Are Undivided, M. V. Luk’janov and V.S. Karakashev, 1978 The artists depict marchers carrying banners to form an image of Vladimir Lenin’s face. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Glory to the Soviet Science!” Unknown artist, 1957. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“A man is a friend, comrade, and brother to a man!” B. Soloviev, 1962. This poster was made just after the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism was adopted by the Party. Along with guidelines dictating how the economy should be structured, the plan also gave helpful guidelines on how to be a person, including rejecting laziness, lies, and money-grubbing. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Glory to the explorers of space”, A. Leonov & A. Sokolov, 1972. This poster expresses the obsession with space travel and highlights how the Soviet system of socialism and the nation’s technological superiority would pave the way for public space exploration. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
In the USSR, in the USA, Unknown Artist, 1950s This poster presents a view of the differences between education in the USSR and education (or lack thereof) in America. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
Vietnam Lives, Fights and Will Finally Win! Suryaninov R., 1970 In the USSR, a victory for communism anywhere was a victory for communism everywhere. All-That-Is-Interesting
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
“Long live the socialist revolution!” Huffington Post
50 Communist Propaganda Posters from the Soviet Union
1920’s poster. “All power to the Soviets. Peace to the People. Land to the peasants.” Huffington Post