63-Year-Old Annie Edson Taylor Went Over Niagara Falls in Nothing More Than a Barrel

63-Year-Old Annie Edson Taylor Went Over Niagara Falls in Nothing More Than a Barrel

Trista - November 12, 2018

63-Year-Old Annie Edson Taylor Went Over Niagara Falls in Nothing More Than a Barrel
1901 Anne Edson Taylor’s barrel. Universal History Archive/Getty Images.

After figuring out she was going to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, Taylor’s next step would be to figure out when. Taylor knew she would need to gather a large crowd if she wanted to secure herself financially for the rest of her life. Therefore, Taylor decided to go over Niagara Falls during the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Once she secured the place and time, Taylor hired a manager who would help her with marketing. Taylor also worked to custom build her own barrel to better secure her during the journey down the falls and through the rushing waters.

Because the barrel was to be custom-made, Taylor had to find someone to make the pickle barrel for her. However, this proved to be a more significant challenge than she imagined it would be. While people in the business did not mind making a barrel, they did mind doing it for the stunt. They did not want to build the barrel because they believed it was a suicide mission. However, eventually, Taylor did find someone, and she quickly explained her barrel idea.

The customized barrel was to be shaped like a regular pickle barrel but had to be big enough so Taylor could fit. Therefore, the length of the barrel was about five feet, and it was a little over three feet in diameter. On top of this, Taylor knew she needed cushioning. Therefore, a mattress was placed around the walls of the barrel. They also added a leather harness so Taylor could be strapped in during her journey. In addition, Taylor knew the barrel would need to remain upright as often as possible. Therefore, they made sure the barrel would be able to handle a 200-pound anvil at the bottom.

63-Year-Old Annie Edson Taylor Went Over Niagara Falls in Nothing More Than a Barrel
Taylor poses with the barrel and cat. Niagara Falls Library/Metal Floss.

Along with space for the anvil and cushioning for safety, Taylor knew she needed air. Because the top would be screwed shut, two extra air holes were made into the barrel. However, these extra holes would be closed with corks, which Taylor would be able to push out if she needed more air. After all, these customized options for the barrel, Taylor felt confident she would be able to survive the possibly suicidal mission. However, even with all her confidence, Taylor wanted to do one more thing, test the barrel. A couple of days before her event, Taylor and her crew sent a cat down the falls in the barrel. The cat survived but was bleeding from the head. Later, Taylor posed for a picture with the cat and the barrel.

The Day Finally Arrives

Even though she told people during her advertisement that she was only in her 40’s, on the day of her event, Taylor turned 63 years old. It was on October 24, 1901, and thousands of people were gathering around Horseshoe Falls to watch the possibly suicidal journey. Niagara Falls is located between Canada and New York, connecting Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It consists of three separate waterfalls: Bridal Veil Falls, Horseshoe Falls, and the American Falls. Taylor had chosen Horseshoe Falls, which is about 167 feet high.
