8 Treacherous Ways In Which Spain’s Francisco Franco Supported The Axis Powers In The Second World War

8 Treacherous Ways In Which Spain’s Francisco Franco Supported The Axis Powers In The Second World War

Stephanie Schoppert - July 14, 2016

6. He Accepted Help from the Future Axis Powers During the Spanish Civil War

8 Treacherous Ways In Which Spain’s Francisco Franco Supported The Axis Powers In The Second World War

The Spanish Civil War might be considered to be a runner up to the Second World War. It featured the Axis powers, Italy and Germany siding with one side of the Civil War (the side lead by Franco) and the Russians siding with the Spanish Republic. The involvement of the Axis powers cemented an alliance between Franco and his fascist comrades.

The Russians support was largely neutralized by the well organized forces of Franco bolstered by the support of both Germany and Italy. What is perhaps most surprising is that Franco may not have even needed the help of Germany and Italy. They only stayed until the end of the war in order to march in Franco’s victory ceremony to add prestige and publicly show the alliance of the three fascist powers.

Hitler and Italy responded to the Spanish Civil War with a substantial show of force which was actually serving their own purpose. Hitler wanted to test out his military forces and do a public show of strength. He entered the Spanish Civil War more for his own gain than for that of Franco.

He sent Franco his Condor Legion which had 7,000 men and 90 aircraft. Benito Mussolini offered up an infantry battalion of 45,000 men and his own air force. While they participated in several battles and were completely under the command of Franco, they were unused for much of the war.

With the Spanish Civil War as a test to prepare for war and test new aircraft and troops, it gave Hitler the confidence to start his war knowing that his troops were capable.

It also put Franco in a position of being indebted to Italy and Germany for their help in bringing him to power and therefore he was willing to help them during the war.
