A Disturbing Collection of History’s Most Brutal Rulers

A Disturbing Collection of History’s Most Brutal Rulers

Khalid Elhassan - April 30, 2022

A Disturbing Collection of History’s Most Brutal Rulers
The Castel Nuovo in Naples. Wikimedia

29. You Did Not Want to Accept an Invitation from Ferdinand I of Naples

Ferdinand I of Naples was not the forgiving sort. As one historian put it: “his pleasures were of two kinds: he liked to have his opponents near him, either alive in well-guarded prisons, or dead and embalmed, dressed in the costume which they wore in their lifetime“. In 1465, Ferdinand defeated a rebellion by his barons. In the guise of forgiveness, he invited several former foes and their families to a celebration, then arrested them when they showed up. Some were locked up for decades, and others were exterminated.

The victims included one who fell to his death after Ferdinand pushed him out of a window. One might think that afterward, nobody who had ever angered Ferdinand would accept an invitation from him. If so, one would be wrong. On another occasion, some who had offended Ferdinand attended a wedding celebration at the king’s residence, the Castel Nuovo. At the height of the merriment, they were suddenly arrested, and whisked to the dungeons for torture, a death sentence at a quick trial, and execution. As seen below, the brutal king liked to put his dead enemies on display.
