Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke

Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke

HC Staff - October 24, 2023

Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke

“I had a mini-stroke/TIA the other day”

“Well, the title says it all. The constant stress during the pandemic manifested itself in a mini-stroke/transient ischemic attack. I did my usual morning routine of feed cats, have coffee, do online course updates and workout, and after my workout my left arm went numb and I felt panicked and disoriented. I thought I was having a heart attack so I called 911. I was home alone since my husband had already left for work. So, I spent a day and a half in the hospital, had lots of tests that fortunately were good news, got excellent care, and I have to start some medications. The overall prognosis is good. With medications, this may never happen again, but without I’d be high risk for a major stroke.”

