Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke

Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke

HC Staff - October 24, 2023

Alarming Signs and Precursors to a Mini-Stroke
The Eye Care Team

Vision Problems

What makes vision issues particularly significant is their direct link to the disruption in blood flow to the brain regions responsible for processing visual information. Essentially, the eyes act as the windows to the brain, and any irregularities in visual perception during a TIA should not be brushed aside. To delve deeper, these visual disturbances occur because the brain’s visual centers temporarily experience reduced blood supply. This reduced blood flow disrupts the intricate neural networks responsible for interpreting visual cues and relaying them as coherent images. Consequently, individuals undergoing a TIA may perceive their surroundings as hazy, disjointed, or even go through moments of darkness when their vision is temporarily impaired.
