America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

Khalid Elhassan - October 15, 2020

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
Heliogabalus. Pintrest

22. An Emperor’s Weird Sense of Humor

Heliogabalus (204- 222) was made ruler of the Roman Empire when he was barely fourteen. As might be expected, handing that kind of power to a teenager did not turn out well. While not as horrible as some of Rome’s more monstrous rulers – he was no gratuitously cruel Caligula or Commodus – Heliogabalus did display the occasional mean streak.

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
Whoopee cushion. Amazon

That streak often showed in his practical jokes. Some were funny, some were weird, and some were scary and weird. Considering that he was the emperor, with nobody above him, Heliogabalus’ pranks always meant punching down. At the milder end of the emperor’s pranking was his propensity for seating some of his more pompous dinner guests on the ancient Roman version of whoopee cushions, that emitted farting noises when they parked their posterior. At the crueler end of the spectrum, as seen below, was putting people in fear of their lives.
