America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

Khalid Elhassan - October 15, 2020

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
A former Cagot church entrance. Wikimedia

11. Europe’s Weird Medieval Apartheid

Cagots had to use separate church entrances and sit in their own segregated pews. At least 60 Pyrenean churches still boast “Cagot” entrances. They received Communion via long spoons, to prevent them from coming into contact with the priests, and they had their own holy water fountain. When in the early eighteenth century a Cagot dared to use the non-Cagot holy water, his hand was chopped off and nailed to the church door as punishment. The discrimination did not end at death: when they finally shuffled off the mortal coil, Cagots had to be buried in their own cemeteries.

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
Segregated water font for Cagots in Bearn Cathedral, in southwestern France. Wikimedia

Cagots were barred from most trades and professions, other than as drawers of water and hewers of wood. The latter was quite literal: Cagots mastered woodworking, and often became expert carpenters. They actually built many of the churches in which they were discriminated against. Farming was expressly prohibited for Cagots, and when one of them dared farm a field on his property, he was punished by having his feet impaled with hot spikes.
