America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History

Khalid Elhassan - October 15, 2020

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
Nuking the Moon. Stillness in the Storm

32. Nuking the Moon

Carl Sagan contributed to the Moon-nuking project with research and calculations, mostly on the expected behavior of the dust and gas caused by a nuclear detonation on the lunar surface. As envisioned, an American missile carrying a nuclear bomb would launch from Earth, travel 238,000 miles to the Moon, and detonate upon impact. As an official involved in the project recounted decades later: “Now it seems ridiculous and unthinkable. But things were remarkably tense then“.

America Wanted to Nuke the Moon and Other Weird History
Mr. Moon would not have been happy if we had nuked him. Sputnik News

The Eisenhower administration hoped that seeing the nuclear flash on the Moon from Earth would restore American confidence after the launch of Sputnik. Simultaneously, it would intimidate the Soviets by demonstrating that the US had an effective nuclear deterrent. The plan could have been carried out by 1959, when the US Air Force began deploying ICBMs. However, the weird project was abandoned because of the risk to people on Earth in case of failure, and because scientists raised concerns about contaminating the Moon with radiation.
