Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts

Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts

Larry Holzwarth - June 18, 2019

Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts
Al Capp created rich characters for his fictional Dogpatch which became stereotypes for Appalachia. ABC Television

2. Al Capp created many of the myths of Appalachia

An impossibly obtuse, minimally educated, physically imposing, but good-hearted and gentle young man of the hills – a hillbilly in American parlance – was another creation of Al Capp, and remains a major character of American entertainment. Such characters – wholly fictional – are usually depicted as immensely stupid, expert in the use of their “shooting iron”, subject to the relentless pursuit of a Daisy Mae type character whom they use guile to elude, strong but gentle, and invariably handsome and more or less honest. They are often victimized by con men from the city but eventually, gain the upper hand.
