Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts

Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts

Larry Holzwarth - June 18, 2019

Appalachian Culture Explained in 40 Facts
Appalachians attend a baseball game between mining company teams. Many resented outsiders who they thought wanted to change the way they lived and worked. National Archives

20. Many Appalachians resented the attitudes of outsiders towards them

Although many aspects of Appalachian history are exploited or celebrated within the region, others resent being included in the perception of the region being considered backward when compared to the rest of the United States. For example, the famous feud between the Hatfields and McCoys is presented in plays, musical shows, billboards, parodies, and in advertising and marketing for tourism, despite some within the region believing that the feud was an example of the region’s slow growth into the modern world. The belief exists that perpetuating its story also perpetuates the stereotyping of residents of the region being illiterate hillbillies. During the heyday of the rural programming which included The Beverly Hillbillies, many protested against the portrayal, though the Clampett’s were not, as already mentioned, from Appalachia.
