Bathroom Breaks That Changed History

Bathroom Breaks That Changed History

Shannon Quinn - November 19, 2022

As the saying goes, “everybody poops”. Human beings spend a lot of time in the bathroom on a daily basis. So it’s no surprise that throughout history, there have been some incredibly important moments while people were on the toilet. Here is a collection of stories of historically memorable events that have something to do with the bathroom.

Bathroom Breaks That Changed History
A young Lyndon B. Johnson. Credit: History Collection


A Bathroom Break Saved Lyndon B. Johnson’s Life

President Lyndon B. Johnson wasn’t the most popular politician in the world, but his achievements are mixed. Johnson was responsible for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Acts of 1965. But he was also blamed for putting Americans through the Vietnam War. Before he became President, he was a young sailor in the Navy. On June 9, 1942, he was assigned to fly a B26 Marauder airplane, nicknamed the “Wabash Cannonball.” Just before takeoff, he had to use the bathroom. When he came back, Lieutenant Colonel Francis R. Stevens took Johnson’s seat. He was forced to take the next flight, the “Heckling Hare.” Johnson was incredibly lucky, because Heckling Hare saw very little combat. But the Wabash Cannonball was shot down by the Japanese, killing everyone on board. This means that a bathroom break very literally saved his life and changed American History.
