Bathroom Breaks That Changed History

Bathroom Breaks That Changed History

Shannon Quinn - November 19, 2022

Bathroom Breaks That Changed History
Charlie Wilson posing with Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A Dog’s Potty Breaks Lead to 9/11

The year is 1946, and a 13-year old boy named Charlie Wilson was struggling to keep his dog under control. The dog was always going over to the neighbor’s yard and peeing in the flowers. This made the neighbor angry, so he put broken glass in the dog’s food bowl, which killed him. Charlie swore to take revenge on his neighbor, Texas Councilman Charles Hazard. Young Charlie went to his neighbors door-to-door telling them what happened to his dog, so that no one would vote for Charles Hazard. It worked, and he lost the election. Years later, Charlie Wilson grew up to get involved in politics. He was responsible for funneling funds and training for the Afghan Mujahideen. The sect soon broke off into splinter groups, including the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. So, a dog’s potty break eventually led to the terrors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
