Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Larry Holzwarth - August 16, 2019

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times
Stories similar to that of Jonah and the Great Fish occur in mythologies of ancient peoples around the world. Wikimedia

3. Jonah and the Great Fish and its many similar myths

The biblical story of Jonah, swallowed by a great fish (the bible does not call the beast a whale, as it is popularly described), is one which contains similarities with many other tales from mythology from diverse cultures. It has also been liberally borrowed from in subsequent writings; Pinocchio and his cronies were swallowed by a whale only to be spit out again, and Han Solo temporarily parked the Millennium Falcon in the belly of a beast while eluding the pursuit of enemies. Finnish mythology includes a god named Ilmarinen, who though immortal and having the ability to create virtually anything found his luck with women to be abysmal. Ilmarinen too survived being taken into the belly of a whale, along with several other adventures involving other gods and mythical beasts.

Phoenician mythology also includes tales of men swallowed by beasts of the sea, and it should be considered that the authors of the Hebrew books which became the Old Testament were aware of the mythology of the Phoenicians which permeated the region. They were not aware however that a great beast which lived in the sea was a mammal, and thus the great fish of Jonah could well have been a whale, though the true genus of whatever swallowed Jonah is immaterial. Another tale of man versus whale/great fish occurs in the mythology of the Romans and Greeks, with many similarities to that of Jonah, and thus the survival of a man in the belly of a beast, whether fish, whale, or some other unknown, while certainly something to be considered a miracle, is not unique to the Bible, and was likely borrowed from another culture.
