Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Larry Holzwarth - August 16, 2019

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times
Greek myths like that of Heracles were known to the writers of the Old and New Testaments, and many are similar to Bible stories. Wikimedia

4. Heracles/Hercules and the Great Fish

The ancient Greek god and hero Heracles also survived an encounter with a great beast of the sea, which he battled fiercely before being devoured by the animal, whatever it was. Heracles however survived within the belly of the beast, being contained within for a period of three days. He fought his way free, rather than simply waiting for the beast to tire of the stomach discomfort his presence caused, and by doing so added to his legend which was told freely by Phoenician and Greek sailors and fishermen. Thus the tale was well known in the region where Israelite traders and fisherman gathered. The Roman version of Heracles, who is known as Hercules, had a similar encounter and result, and his experience too was a popular topic for seafaring tales.

The Jewish writer or writers of the book of Jonah were likely aware of the tale, probably through the recounting of the Phoenicians, and the story was adjusted to fit the morals of the account in what became the Book of Jonah. Jonah, like Heracles/Hercules, spent three days in the belly of the beast before he was miraculously (in the Judeo/Christian version) regurgitated into the world of the living. The miracle of Jonah’s survival and return to the land of the living, and the three day period involved, takes on additional meaning when considered alongside the Crucifixion/Resurrection for Christians. Yet another mythological hero who survived within the accommodating entrails of a sea monster was Jason, of Argonauts fame, and there are many similar stories of fish swallowing men encounters in the ancient tales of civilizations around the world, including among the American Indians.
