Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times

Larry Holzwarth - August 16, 2019

Biblical Miracles that Appear in Multiple Cultures and Times
Raising the dead, as Jesus did with Lazarus, was not a unique occurrence, according to the Bible as well as other sources. Wikimedia

6. Jesus was not the only Biblical personage to raise the dead, according to the Bible

In the ancient world, where according to the documents which have survived to allow us to see what life was like at the time, miracles occurred with greater regularity than in the modern world (though the ancients would no doubt consider modern life at its most mundane to be miraculous. Imagine Moses encountering an iPhone). But the sine qua non of miracle working in the ancient world would seem to be the raising of the dead back to life. Jesus practiced this act on several occasions, including raising a man described as having been dead and in his tomb for four days (Lazarus, John 11). According to John, the raising of Lazarus, who reappears with Jesus shortly before the Crucifixion, caused many to believe in Jesus.

Jesus was not alone in raising the dead according to ancient literature, including other books within the Bible. In 1 Kings 17 – 24, the prophet Elijah raises back to life the dead son of a widow, after she mocks him. When the formerly dead child is presented to the widow by the prophet she announces, “Now by this I know thou art a man of God” (1 Kings 17:24). The raising of the dead by Elijah, and by other Old Testament prophets, was part of the scripture studied by the Jewish hierarchy and religious scholars, including Jesus, and was well known as part of the scriptures which Jesus himself often quoted during his sermons and parables. Thus the raising of the dead, which the Gospel of John would have us believe proved that Jesus was divine, was known to have been accomplished by others and were part of the Jewish tradition. It was part of other traditions as well.
