Queen Elizabeth II in WWII
When World War II began in 1939, the late Queen Elizabeth II was thirteen-years-old. Like many British children, she was evacuated to the countryside to avoid the risk of German aerial attacks. Of course, she was not just like any other child: she was evacuated to a palace – Windsor Castle, about twenty miles from London. Still, she was separated from her family and loved ones, and felt it keenly. In 1940, she spoke about that in her first public address on BBC’s Children’s Hour, as part of an effort to boost public morale.
The princess told Britain’s children: “Thousands of you in this country have had to leave your homes and be separated from your fathers and mothers. My sister Margaret Rose and I feel so much for you, as we know from experience what it means to be away from those you love most of all. To you living in new surroundings, we send a message of true sympathy and at the same time we would like to thank the kind people who have welcomed you to their homes in the country“. She participated in other public service activities as the war progressed, and eventually ended up in the military.