Bizarre Deaths: 12 of History’s Weirdest Deaths, From Antiquity to the Middle Ages

Bizarre Deaths: 12 of History’s Weirdest Deaths, From Antiquity to the Middle Ages

Khalid Elhassan - September 17, 2017

Bizarre Deaths: 12 of History’s Weirdest Deaths, From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Illustration from medieval manuscript of Eleazar Avaran. Wikimedia

Eleazar Avaran

Eleazar Avaran (died 162 BC) was the younger brother of Judas Maccabeus, leader of the 167 – 160 BC Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. The revolt was caused by decrees from the Seleucid king, Antiochus IV, banning Jewish religious practices and ordering the worship of Zeus instead. The father of Eleazar and Judas sparked the rebellion by killing a Hellenized Jew who sacrificed to Greek idols, after which he fled into the wilderness with his five sons and began a guerrilla campaign. After his death, his son Judah took over the revolt, and in 164 BC, he succeeded in entering Jerusalem and restoring Jewish worship at its temple – an event commemorated in the feast of Hanukah.

Avaran’s bizarre death came at the Battle of Beth Zechariah in 162 BC, two years after his older brother Judas Maccabeus had defeated Judea’s Seleucid overlords and entered Jerusalem. However, Jerusalem’s conquest was incomplete, as a Seleucid garrison retained control of a fortress inside the city, facing the Temple Mount. Judas besieged that fortress, but a Seleucid army of 50,000 men, accompanied by 30 war elephants, marched to its relief. Judas lifted the siege and marched out at the head of 20,000 men to intercept the Seleucids.

Eschewing the guerrilla tactics which had won him victories and served him well so far, Judas formed his men to meet the Seleucids in formal battle. It was a mistake, as Judas’ forces proved no match for the Seleucid heavy infantry phalanx, professional cavalry, and armored war elephants which especially unnerved the Jewish defenders, who began to panic and break in fear of the pachyderms.

Eleazar Avaran sought to encourage his comrades by demonstrating the elephants’ vulnerability, so he charged at the biggest elephant he could find, got beneath it, and thrust his spear into its unarmored belly, killing the beast. He did not get to savor his success for long, however, because the dying elephant collapsed on top of Eleazar and crushed him to death. His comrades did not rush in to emulate him, and the courageous demonstration did not suffice to keep the Jewish army from breaking soon thereafter.
