Bonkers Crimes and Criminals In History

Bonkers Crimes and Criminals In History

Khalid Elhassan - February 7, 2020

Bonkers Crimes and Criminals In History
Crucifixion is a painful way to die. Ancient Origins

20. The Religious Fanatic Who Made Her Followers Crucify Her

In 1794, Margaretta Peter was born into a large Swiss family, and early on, she displayed remarkable religious zeal. By age six, she was a preaching prodigy who captivated congregations with impassioned sermons, revealing a better grasp of the Bible than many adult ministers. She had a strong personality, and spiritually dominated her family and neighbors, turning them into her disciples.

When she turned twenty, Margaretta announced that she was a prophetess, and established a small congregation in her village. She also took to wandering and preaching, gaining a reputation and following across Switzerland. In 1823, Margaretta began harping on Satan, warning her followers that he was all around them. Then she began experiencing prophetic visions of demons taking over the world. From there, things took ever greater turns for the worse, until it finally ended in mayhem, multiple murders, and Margaretta commanding her followers to crucify her.
