Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life

Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life

Natasha sheldon - September 2, 2019

Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life
Small Celtic olla, dating from the period before the Roman conquest (2nd-1st century BC). Archaeological Museum of Milan. Picture by Giovanni Dall’Orto, March 13 2012. Wikimedia Commons

14. The Italians also encountered the Celts. However, their encounters weren’t as positive as the Greek experience.

As Celtic culture flourished, the population increased — putting pressure on tribal territories In the fourth century BC, overpopulated was such a problem that one Gaulish chief with a “burdensome excess of people” exiled two of his nephews, along with as many followers as they needed to combat “any hostile armies they might meet.”

One of the brothers crossed into Italy and founded Milan. However, this was not the first Celtic invasion of Italy. That occurred in the fifth century BC when migrating Celtic tribes attacked Etruria and Lombardy before settling down in the Po Valley. This invasive quest for new territory earned the Celts a less than favorable reputation with their Italic neighbors.
