Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life

Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life

Natasha sheldon - September 2, 2019

Brutal and Intriguing Facts About Celtic Life
Wounded Galatian. © Hartmann Linge, Wikimedia Commons, CC-by-sa 3.0″. Wikimedia

16. Despite being Celtic trading partners, the Greeks didn’t escape invasion by the Celts either

By the third century BC, yet another Brennus was causing trouble — this time in Greece. In 280 BC, Brennus and his partner Akichorius launched an invasion of Greece. A force of 85000 Celtic warriors divided into three groups to attack Thrace, Macedonia, Illyria and Greece. Although a Greek alliance eventually thwarted Brennus’s forces after dodging the assembled Greek armies, the Celts made for the sacred site of Delphi, which they sacked and plundered. As with Rome, the Celts did not keep Delphi but stripped it of treasure which they then carried back to Toulouse.
