Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America

Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America

Jacob Miller - September 25, 2017

Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
A member of the American Nazi Party wearing a mask depicting a Jewish stereotype performs for the amusement of other members in 1960. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
American Nazi leader Lincoln Rockwell (right image, standing to the left on the podium) looks on as Fred Tate, an American student, speaks at a rally in 1960. Buzzfeed
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Lincoln Rockwell and followers of the American Nazi Party pose next to the Hate Bus, a Volkswagen they used to drive around the country spreading their message, on May 23, 1961. Bettmann Archive
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Neo-Nazi John Patler marches on his own to protest the desegregation of schools as a crowd of people watches in Englewood, New Jersey, on Aug. 20, 1962. Patler was arrested and jailed in 1967 for the assassination of Lincoln Rockwell. Hulton Archive
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party holds a news conference in Arlington, Virginia, in 1965. Photograph- Harvey Georges: AP
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell confronts Martin Luther King Jr., 1965. Rare Historical Photos
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
A young boy (left), helped by an adult, holds up a swastika sign as part of a counterdemonstration to a civil rights march in Cicero, Illinois, in 1966. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Rockwell, pipe in hand, leads a group of his supporters in 1967. Photograph- Archives: REX:Shutterstock
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Newsmen and photographers surround a hearse bearing the body of George Lincoln Rockwell. Photograph- Anonymous: AP
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Neo-Nazis brawl with counterprotesters on Sept. 1, 1969. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Police officers in riot gear drag a young man away after a scuffle between anti-war protesters and neo-Nazis in Washington, DC, on May 9, 1970. Hulton Archive
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
A neo-Nazi displays a white supremacist newspaper at a demonstration against President Jimmy Carter on Oct. 25, 1977. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
A pistol-carrying comrade kneels beside a slain member of the Communists Workers Party moments after a shootout between the CWP and members of the Nazi and Ku Klux Klan on Nov. 4, 1979. Five people were killed at the rally. Bettmann Archives
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Members of the KKK and Nazis hold a rally in Chicago’s Marquette Park in September 1988. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Demonstrators are held back by riot police during a protest against the KKK and neo-Nazi groups at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Bettmann Archive
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
A young counterprotester steps in to protect a Nazi from an angry mob in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 22, 1996. Mark Brunner
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Neo-Nazi protesters organized by the National Socialist Movement demonstrate near the site of the grand opening ceremonies of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie, Illinois, on April 19, 2009. Getty Images
Chilling Photographs Documenting How Nazis Infiltrated America
Chanting “White lives matter!” and “Jews will not replace us!” several hundred white nationalists and white supremacists carrying torches marched in a parade through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville on Aug. 11, 2017. Washington Post
