Crime Facts from History that Belong in Jail

Crime Facts from History that Belong in Jail

Khalid Elhassan - January 28, 2022

Crime Facts from History that Belong in Jail
Colonel Thomas Blood’s theft of England’s Crown Jewels. Look and Learn

The Criminal Who Almost Got Away With England’s Crown Jewels

Once inside, Thomas Blood and his “nephew” threw a hood over the Keeper of the Jewels’ head, knocked him out with a mallet, stabbed him, then bound and gagged him. Blood then used the mallet to flatten the crown so he could hide it beneath his clerical robes, while his criminal accomplices stuffed scepters and other jeweled items down their trousers. In the meantime, however, the Keeper regained consciousness, managed to remove the gag, and began to scream: “Treason! Murder! The crown is stolen!” Blood and his accomplices fled and engaged in a running shootout with the guards. Eventually, he was cornered, and after a struggle, was subdued and the crown was recovered.

Blood’s accomplices were also captured, and all the stolen items were regained. Unrepentant, Blood declared: “It was a gallant attempt, however unsuccessful! It was for a crown!” He refused to answer any questions except to the king, so he was taken in chains to the palace. Charles II, nicknamed “The Merry Monarch“, liked the audacious scoundrel. Especially when Blood cheekily declared that the Crown Jewels were worth 6000 pounds at most, not 100,000 pounds as widely reported. When Charles asked, “What if I should give you your life?” Blood replied, “I would endeavor to deserve it, Sire!” The king pardoned Blood and granted him an estate worth an annual income of 500 pounds.
