D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

Trista - July 8, 2020

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time
D.A.R.E. officer informing students about the program. D.A.R.E.org

24. DARE Tried to Use Children as Informants

Children in participating schools were asked to submit written questionnaires with sensitive information in a lesson called “The Three R’s: Recognize, Resist, Report.” It encouraged children to tell friends, teachers, or police if they found drugs at home.

The program even went to lengths to place a DARE box in classrooms where students could place “drug information” under the guise of anonymity. Still, if a student did make a disclosure, the officer was to report the information to further authorities regardless of whether the drug was legal or not, harmless or not.
