D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

Trista - July 8, 2020

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time
D.A.R.E. is a part of the new program called “Keepin’ It REAL” Facebook.

16. D.A.R.E. Officials Used To Attack Their Critics

While D.A.R.E. officials and supporters try to turn a blind eye to their critics, there are times when officials had enough and verbally attacked many of their critics. They stated that their critics wanted the program to fail because the critics didn’t believe that drugs are a problem for youth.

D.A.R.E. officials felt that critics had their own financial self-motivation when it came to the program. One D.A.R.E. official stated, “they are setting out to find ways to attack our programs and are misusing science to do it. The bottom line is that they don’t want police officers to do the work because they want it for themselves.”
