D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

Trista - July 8, 2020

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time
An old D.A.R.E. student workbook from 1991. Amazon

13. Critics Didn’t Truly Want The D.A.R.E. Program To Fail

No matter how many critics the D.A.R.E program gained, one factor most of them agreed on was they didn’t necessarily like seeing the D.A.R.E program fail. No one really wants to see a program that is meant to help children say no to drug failure.

The biggest problem the critics have is the program didn’t reach children as it should have. This meant that changes needed to happen, and nothing changed. Supporters refused to acknowledge that the program wasn’t working, and this irritated the critics.
