D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time

Trista - July 8, 2020

D.A.R.E Was Not as Effective as It Seemed to be at the Time
A police officer was teaching D.A.R.E. Kenner Police Department.

10. The Keepin’ It Real D.A.R.E. Program Removed Messages about Cannabis

Once the legalization of Cannabis becomes a top report across the newspapers of the United States, the D.A.R.E. officials started looking at their next steps. They needed to figure out what to do as they still didn’t want children to think that Cannabis is a safe drug.

One of the steps the officials came up with is giving schools the advice to remove any talk about Cannabis from the curriculum. They already knew that the more they discussed drugs, the more curious the students become. Therefore, if they don’t talk about Cannabis, students are less likely to try it.
