Deadliest Fashion From History

Deadliest Fashion From History

Aimee Heidelberg - August 7, 2023

Deadliest Fashion From History
Beijing women in the courtyard of their home. James Ricalton (1900). Public domain.

China’s Lotus Feet

From the 8th century to the early twentieth century, fashionable women in China had unbelievably small feet. The delicate shoes from the era are almost child-like in their appearance; small, delicate, and not meant for a great deal of movement. Natural feet were considered unladylike, ugly, and lower-class. Unbound feet meant the woman had to toil in fields and do hard labor. A small foot for a traditional Chinese woman was the equivalent of a tiny waist for a Victorian European woman. The most desirable foot was the three foot “golden lotus.” The “silver lotus” was a delicate four inches. Anything over five inches was deemed unsightly, an “iron lotus” that could damage a girl’s marriage potential.
