Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why

Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why

Trista - September 16, 2019

Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why
Trickle-down economics didn’t work out that great. Photo:

17. The Economy Was Awful For Most People

High-paying jobs today may be scarce today, but unemployment in the 80s was worse than it is today, thanks to Ronald Reagan’s economic theories. He destroyed labor unions and set multinational companies on a track that would allow them to conquer the world within a decade.

Meanwhile, plenty of families were about as unfortunate as Will’s, whose mom works as a cashier. The toilet leaked, and there wasn’t any money to fix them. All of the money and jobs were either going to Japan or vanishing as part of Reagan’s trickle-down economic policies.
