Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why

Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why

Trista - September 16, 2019

Despite Your Love for Stranger Things, the ’80s Actually Sucked, Here’s Why
These things weren’t very much fun to play. Photo:

9. Video Game Pixels Were Huge

Nowadays, retro video games can fetch a fortune. However, only a small, minuscule fraction of video games from the 1980s was even worth saving, much less spending money on. The only reason to spend money on video games was that they would ease your after-school boredom, but only a bit.

Unless your parents were rich enough to afford a Nintendo Entertainment System or Sega, the graphics and sound were terrible. You had a different character run through a track and jump on or over various things. Also, he probably did everything against an olive-green background that covered the entire screen.
