Dirty Secrets Under Lake Lanier And Other Evil Government Plots

Dirty Secrets Under Lake Lanier And Other Evil Government Plots

Khalid Elhassan - September 21, 2022

Dirty Secrets Under Lake Lanier And Other Evil Government Plots
Patrons enjoy drinks at the Hunt Club, a speakeasy with a filing system listing 23,000 eligible customers which was checked before a customer got through the door at this venue that was protected from police prohibition raids. Vintage News Daily

The Government Went Out of Its Way to Prevent the Reuse of Industrial Alcohol as Drinking Booze

The US Treasury Department, tasked with the enforcement of Prohibition, estimated that in the mid-1920s, around 60 million gallons of industrial liquor were stolen each year. Bootleggers then employed chemists to “renature” it, and return it to a drinkable state. Stolen and re-distilled industrial alcohol became America’s primary source of liquor. So in late 1926, the Treasury Department decided to up its game and revamp the denaturing formulas used to make industrial alcohol undrinkable. The new mix included many known toxins.

They included quinine, acetone, nicotine, formaldehyde, zinc, camphor, chloroform, iodine, kerosene, and gasoline. Most dangerous of all, the new formula required that at least 10% of the total volume must consist of methyl alcohol or methanol, commonly used today in antifreeze. The results were disastrous. The Treasury Department’s new formula made the process used by the bootleggers’ chemists up until that point to renature industrial alcohol all but useless, as it left them unable to separate out each of the harmful chemicals.
